Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So everyone knows that I decided to go natural in September of this year and I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. (Yes it's more time consuming but this is who I am) Anyway I was having a conversation with this guy at work and he stated that NATURAL hair only looked good on dark skinned women and that we that decide to go natural need to go all the way natural! NOW many of you are probably looking and reading with your mouth open and asking the same question I did what does that mean? SO he stated that if we as black women want to look like our ancestors did then we should dress like them as well meaning not wearing shoes, bras or clothes for that matter. I sat there for a minute because I was a little confused about what I should say next. So I finally told him that everyone has ancestors that did all of those things not just Africans. And that I'm happy with my hair and I don't let people dictate to how I should look anymore and just because I'm wearing my hair in my nautral state does not mean that I should wear clothes, or shoes for that matter. I also stated that I no longer let the world dictate to how I wear my hair. Now this guy has an 8 year old daughter who has natural hair but her dad doesn't really love her hair. I can say this because he stated that he wants her to have straight long wavy hair like Europeans. Now, don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with straight, long, wavy hair or should I say fried and dyed and laid to the side. I told him that he should teach her to embrace what GOD has given her and that everyone is made different! He should teach her how her hair is just as important as the straight hair. Her hair isn't "NAPPY" it's as soft as a cotton ball and that it can and will grow as long as she cares for it properly. (Black hair can grow long if you show it a little tender love and care).

Yes it may shrink when wet but who cares!!! I know when I wash my hair I have major shrinkage and the other day someone said your hair is still short!!! I laughed and stretched my hair out and they were surprised that it was as long as it was but guess what it shrinks but I don't care because it's only hair. The hair on my head does not define who I am and neither should yours. Embrace what GOD has given you and love it to the max.   

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