Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So everyone knows that I decided to go natural in September of this year and I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. (Yes it's more time consuming but this is who I am) Anyway I was having a conversation with this guy at work and he stated that NATURAL hair only looked good on dark skinned women and that we that decide to go natural need to go all the way natural! NOW many of you are probably looking and reading with your mouth open and asking the same question I did what does that mean? SO he stated that if we as black women want to look like our ancestors did then we should dress like them as well meaning not wearing shoes, bras or clothes for that matter. I sat there for a minute because I was a little confused about what I should say next. So I finally told him that everyone has ancestors that did all of those things not just Africans. And that I'm happy with my hair and I don't let people dictate to how I should look anymore and just because I'm wearing my hair in my nautral state does not mean that I should wear clothes, or shoes for that matter. I also stated that I no longer let the world dictate to how I wear my hair. Now this guy has an 8 year old daughter who has natural hair but her dad doesn't really love her hair. I can say this because he stated that he wants her to have straight long wavy hair like Europeans. Now, don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with straight, long, wavy hair or should I say fried and dyed and laid to the side. I told him that he should teach her to embrace what GOD has given her and that everyone is made different! He should teach her how her hair is just as important as the straight hair. Her hair isn't "NAPPY" it's as soft as a cotton ball and that it can and will grow as long as she cares for it properly. (Black hair can grow long if you show it a little tender love and care).

Yes it may shrink when wet but who cares!!! I know when I wash my hair I have major shrinkage and the other day someone said your hair is still short!!! I laughed and stretched my hair out and they were surprised that it was as long as it was but guess what it shrinks but I don't care because it's only hair. The hair on my head does not define who I am and neither should yours. Embrace what GOD has given you and love it to the max.   

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Well Thanksgiving has come and gone! And I had and have so much to be thankful for :my health, family, friends, life, strength, freedom to express myself, a house to live in, food on the table, a job, my WONDERFUL son (yes I know this is a repeat of family but that boy gives me a reason to want to live) and my husband. Now a lot of you may know that in June of this year I buried one of my great grandmothers and last year on Thanksgiving she blessed our food so this was a real emotional time for my family and I. But I'm very grateful that I still have 1 grandfather, 2 grandmothers, and 1 Great grandmother that are still living!!! A lot of people don't have that. But I'm so glad that my son was able to meet and know my great grandmother Carrie. Family is very important to me and I'm glad that my family are as close as we are. Some of my friends find it weird that my family always get together and celebrate just because not just because it's a holiday. For example every year we take a family trip together when I say family trip (I mean grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, not just my moms brothers and sisters but my grandmothers sisters included). Last year we traveled to Jamaica, Key West, and the Grand Caymans. We had so much fun! This is something else that I have to be thankful for (not only is my son going on these trips but his great grandparents go as well and we are making memories that are going to last a lifetime). Life is grand and I never take any of this for granted because anything can happen at any given moment. For example as I stated earlier my great grandmother passed in June which was very unexpected but I do cherish every moment that I got to spend with her she was 96 when she died. I used to call her all the time and let my co-workers listen to us talk because they thought it was unbelievable that I still had a grandmother that was living and as old as she was. But I remember every year she would call me on my birthday and tell me happy birthday and she'd tell me the same story which was when I was being born she was in hospital having cancer surgery!!! This year it was a little bitter sweet because on my 28th birthday this year she was not here to call me but I know she is in a much better place and she live 96 wonderful years. SO PLEASE NEVER TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED AND CHERISH EVERY MOMENT WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS BECAUSE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT SOMEONE CAN BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


So recently I've decided to do something that I wouldn't normally do and that is wear BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK!!!! I love love love it!!!

Some people don't like it but does it matter what others think NO!!! Some women of color are afraid to step outside of their comfort zone because they may not be accepted. Some people claim that there isn't a red shade for them!!! That's so not true. So below you will find some tips on choosing the right lipstick color!!!

How to choose the best lipstick colors for people of color. 
For women of any ethnicity, the biggest consideration is your complexion. But because women of color have skin tones that run the full gamut of the color spectrum keep in mind weather you are light, medium or dark..  In addition, the undertones of your skin also have an effect on whether a lipstick really makes your lips pop.

If you are light then these colors will look great on you:
Pale to deep pink

Medium skin tones
Medium to deep pink
Medium to deep browns.

Dark Skin Tones
Deep red
Chocolate brown

Don't think that just because your skin is in the darker range that you can't wear colors that look fabulous on lighter skin. EXPERIMENT!!! You may find lipstick colors that you never thought you would wear. Like I said I never thought me and red lipstick would get along but boy was I WRONG!!! AND I'M WEARING BRIGHT RED AT THAT.


There are also some benefits of wearing red lipstick it can instantly make your smile appear whiter, people stare at your lips and actually listen to what you're saying (lol) and  it adds sex appeal.

Now, my next goal is to try some fuchsia's and purple!!!

I will say my dad and my husband hate the fact that I'm wearing RED lipstick but I think it's just because I never wore it before now and they will get use to it. But why do some people feel as if dark skinned women can't wear RED LIPSTICK it's for everyone and I've taken a stand to say if they can do it so can I!! I love it so stay tuned for more pictures of the FAMOUS RED LIPSTICK!! SO IF YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK IT MAKE SURE YOU DO IT WELL AND WITH A LOT OF CONFIDENCE!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Making to much contact with your hair.
ONCE you style your hair leave your hair alone.

Not getting regular "haircuts" can be harmful to your hair.
By haircuts I mean getting your ends dusted on a regular basis. When you fail to trim your hair on a regular basis you are keeping your hair from growing. I try to trim "dust" my ends every 6-8 weeks. This depends on your hair growth cycle though. By dusting or trimming your hair on a regular basis you are ensuring that your hair will be healthy and grow out strong.

Avoid products that have alcohol in them. 
If you use hairsprays and gels because they can be high in alcohol and they can cause your hair to be dry and damage and also make your hair frizzy. I suggest that one would not use hairsprays but to each its own and I would recommend ECO STYLER GELS (any of the eco styler gels will work)!! Just check the ingredients on the label before you buy hair products.  

Over washing your hair! 
 Washing your hair too much can strip your hair of its natural oil and leave your hair dry and or frizzy. (CO WASH more if you need to wash often) I co wash my hair twice a week. And if you use shampoos be sure that the product doesn't not contain sulfates and that they contain moisturizing ingredients.

Over scrubbing your scalp. This explains it's self. I'm not saying don't scrub your scalp but be mindful and do scrub to the point where you hair becomes tangled. Don't scrub with your nails because this can cause damage to your scalp.

Wearing tight hairstyles.
Tight ponytails, or protective styles can be useful but the less tension you put on your hair the better. Pulling the hair to tightly can damage your hair and your scalp. It can cause hair loss as well. Instead of wearing high ponytails try a low ponytail or a loose braid. ALSO if you are wearing extensions use less hair to reduce the amount of weight of the extra hair pulling on your scalp.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Miss Jessie's

For all you natural sisters out there Miss Jessie is having a sale!!! Buy one get one free from November 18- Dec 18, 2012!!! So if you have wanted to try it out now is your chance!!! You can purchase her line of products on line or at Target if you're in the Spartanburg area and select CVS stores. 
I have tried several products from this line and they are pretty good. My sister Samantha loves the Curly Meringue and she says it makes her hair smell good and her curls pop!!! I myself loved the curly pudding!!! --------> Now this line is a bit pricey but buy one get one free you can't beat!!!!! hmm.... I know what I should get someone for CHRISTMAS!!!!

Hair was twisted with Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding!!!

Also a product review will be up WED!!! on here with a Youtube link as well!!!!! 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


In the video below is a small portion of the mini boot camp offered at my gym (Your Best Body). As you can see it's really fun, intense, and anyone can do it. The classes are offered Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 5:00-5:30 and 5:30-6:00 (3 days a week). Also there is a Monday and Friday express boot camp class from 9:00 am until 10:00 am!!! These classes not only get you toned and your blood pumping but they are also VERY fun. 

I will say that where ever you choose to workout you have to watch what you eat. I cannot express this enough because if you were to workout then go home and eat a bunch of bad things it basically defeats the purpose of your workout. So come out and join the fun at YBB!!!

  here is the link for the video on my youtube page. Better quality

How to rock a fro

My sister Samantha were just messing around a few days ago and made a video on how to rock an afro!!!! These are just common tips that we use when we rock our curly fros and you may find them helpful as well. Now im not saying that you have to follow any of these tips but 1 and 5 are a must!!!! BE confident!!!!! Hope you enjoy and there will be more videos to follow!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ride Dylan Ride

This is video of my son Dylan riding his "bike". Dylan is 2 years old and loves to peddle.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I was asked by several people what my skin regimen is and how do I prevent blackheads. So I've been doing some research to help people with their skin.

First, blackheads are also known as comedones, and are a form of acne. They occur in the pores of the skin and can be very unsightly and sometimes painful. Blackheads occur frequently during puberty, BUT can develop at any time. If they are left untreated they can become infected and inflamed. Plus the skin has a variety of glands within it. The skin on the face and scalp contain the most sebaceous glands. (Sebaceous glands are located within hair follicles and are widely distributed throughout the skin, except on the palms and the foot soles). The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. When excessive amounts of "oil" (sebum) are created by a sebaceous gland, the substance can back up in the gland, forming what is commonly called a whitehead. This is due to the white color of the sebum under the skin. Overtime, the sebum will harden and form a plug. This plug can erupt through the pore and block the opening of the hair follicle. When exposed to air, the sebum plug will oxidize and turn dark. This is what the blackheads come from.

Blackheads can occur from make-up, changing of hormones, moisturizers, and lotions which can lead to clog pores.

You can prevent blackheads by washing your skin regularly, especially the face and neck. Using exfoliating creams or lotions can also help remove dead skin cells that clog the pores.

NEVER NEVER NEVER squeeze a blackhead to remove it. This can cause scarring and the spreading of the bacteria which will lead to more blackheads.

NOW!!! I wash my face with raw African black soap which I purchased from amazon.com for about $6.80 after my face dries I take a cotton ball and put a small amount of lemon juice on it and rub it all over my face. You can purchase the lemon juice from anywhere!!!!  After my face dries from the lemon juice I apply my moisturizer. Now I use to different moisturizers because one has a spf 15 which I use in the mornings and the one at night does not. (But I will say my skin is extra sensitive and sometimes the lemon juice burn just a little but not to where it's irritating my skin)

Raw African Black Soap has a lot of benefits for the skin..
·  1. Helps to remove scars caused by acne. Since acne is not caused by dirt, but due to the release of excessive oils within the skin, the soap cannot remove acne. But use of African black soap helps to remove scars cause due to acne.
·  2. Helps to remove skin irritations. Use of black soap helps to remove skin irritations like rashes.
·  3. Suitable for all skin types. Black soap can be used for the treatment of problems on all types of skin including the dry and rough, oily and moderate skins.
·  4. Beneficial for skin diseases. Black soap is very beneficial for reducing the discomforts that are associated with skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema
·  5.Delays ageing on the skin. Regular use of black soap helps to remove facial lines that are mostly early signs of ageing. Thus black soap can be used to delay ageing of skin.
The lemon juice helps getting the oil from the pores.

The moisturizers gives my skin the moisture that it needs.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Some things that rob your hair of moisture!!!! Especially Natual Hair

4 Things that Rob Natural Hair of Moisture

1. Excessive shampooing.
Shampooing hair several times a week with shampoos that contain sulfates can strip your hair of it's natural oils and cause the hair to become dry and brittle. So if you have to use shampoo MAKE SURE THAT it's free of sulfates or you can JUST co-wash (which is only using conditioner to wash your hair).

2. Not sealing moisturized hair with oil.
Make sure that after you wash your hair that you seal in the moisture with an oil. Water, moisturizer, conditioner, and leave ins without essential oils will only evaporate from your hair. I use Castor oil, jojoba oil, and  extra virgin olive oil. It makes no sense to go through all of the trouble of conditioning if you are not going to seal in the moisture with an oil. 

3. The environment.
The environment in which you live could also take a toll on your hair moisture. So in extremely hot and cold months, help protect your hair from the harsh elements by wearing hats, and or protective styles that have you ends tucked in.  

4. Sleeping with no Protection.
Not wearing a satin scarf or bonnet while sleeping can also lead to dryness. To keep your hair refreshed before bed spray it with a moisturizing spray or a small amount of a water based moisturizer and then seal it with your oils or butter.  

My routine consists of co-washing my hair once a week, then I seal my hair with Castor oil (which when I part my hair I take some of this oil and rub on my scalp) after the Castor oil I apply a small amount of jojoba oil which sometime I switch out the jojoba oil for the extra virgin olive oil. Then I style my hair with a butter and put on my satin cap for bed. whatever you routine maybe PLEASE SEAL IN YOUR MOISTURE WITH AN OIL it will make a difference!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day

What is a veteran? A veteran is a person who has had long experience in a particular field, especially the military.


I would like to thank everyone who has or is currently serving our country! Thank you!!! 

   Check out my video dedicated to  few veterans....  http://youtu.be/yCZHbmDGzP4  

Friday, November 9, 2012


Exercising is good for you!

Exercise helps control weight

 Exercise helps with health conditions and diseases

 Exercise improves your mood

Exercise helps boots your energy levels.

Exercise helps promote better sleep

Exercise can help put the spark back into your sex life

Exercise is FUN!!!!

Basically all I'm saying is exercise even if it's walking that's still exercise. Start off slowly then work your way up! 

I will say if you don't have a workout partner come join our boot camp class at Your Best Body! Then you don't have to workout out by yourself!!!!!. It's fun and only 30 minutes. And your will definitely see results.

Also while your are exercising make sure you drink plenty of water!!! 
BUT, in my opinion you should watch what you eat meaning dont' exercise then go home and eat junk food. If you do that you are defeating the purpose of working out! If you have to snack try eating some fruit and or vegetables like carrots.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Natural Hair Dictionary

Natural Hair Dictionary
Natural Hair – Related Terms

ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar: This is used by some to restore the natural pH to the hair, clean and condition.

APL= Arm Pit Length: refers to hair that reaches the armpitBC= Big Chop: Refers to the cutting off of relaxed hair, with the result of only natural hair being present on the scalp

BSL= Bra Strap Length: refers to hair that reaches the bra strap position on a female’s back

Buds (Budding)= First stage in locking. Small, young sections that will eventually grow out and mature as actual dreadlocks 

Cones = silicons: class of chemical ingredients that is found in many commercial conditioners for the hair; use of a detergent shampoo is usually needed to remove them from the hair

Co-wash = Washing the hair with conditioner, instead of shampoo; Is done most times to replace shampoos that include harsh detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate

Creamy crack = A not so affectionate term used to refer to permanent hair relaxers; nickname was given by those who found it hard to stop getting relaxers before they transitioned to natural hair 

Denman = refers to a the Denman (a company) series of brushes; a brush that is used widely among the natural hair community to help define curls

EO = Essential Oils: refers to a large group of naturally occurring oils (For example: lemon oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil,etc.)

EVOO= extra virgin olive oil 

No-poo = Washing method that does not involve the use of shampoo; co-washing is a type of no-poo method

Pre-Poo = Covering the hair with a deep conditioner or mixture of oils for  30 min. or more BEFORE shampooing the hair. 

Transition = Refers to the transition from relaxed to natural hair 

TWA= Teeny Weeny Afro: Natural hair that is very close to the scalp; most times is the result of a Big Chop after a short transitioning stage

Tuesday, November 6, 2012



1. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Did you know that your body is composed of about 60% of water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, moves nutr1ients, and helps maintain the bodies temperature.

2. Water can help control calories. Some people drink lots of water as a weight loss strategy. While water doesn't have the magic effect to cause you to lose weight it will help if you were to get water instead of soda or juice. Also you can eat healthier like fruits, vegetables, broth based soups, oatmeal (which I don't like) and beans. Because they are water based they tend to look larger and requires more food and they are absorbed more slowly by the body which helps you feel full.

3. Water helps energize the muscles. When your muscles don't have an adequate amount of fluid they will not work well and performance can suffer.

4. Water helps keep the skin looking good. Your skin does contain plenty of water and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But if your are dehydrated your skin tends to look more dry and wrinkled. But once you hydrate your body the kidneys take over and excretes excess fluids.

5. Water Helps your Kidneys. Body fluids move wastes products in and out of cells. Your kidneys do a great job in getting rid of toxins as long as you have an adequate amount of fluid intake. excreted in the urine. But if you don't drink enough water you will be at a higher rick of getting kidney stones.

6. Water helps maintain normal bowl function. Adequate hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation.

Below are some tips to help you drink more.If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water:

Have a beverage with every snack and meal.
Choose beverages you enjoy; you're likely to drink more liquids if you like the way they taste.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration. About 20% of our fluid intake comes from foods.
Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.
Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you're watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages or water.

Big chop or Transitioning

While at the gym yesterday I talked to a girls mother who says her daughter is in the process of going natural. The girl hasn't had a relaxer in a long time. SO I asked how much more permed ends does she have? Not much was the response that I received. SO I asked why doesn't she just cut off the permed ends and wear her natural hair out?? NOW I KNOW it takes a lot of confidence to do so but once you do it you'll be glad that you did!! NOW I will say that if you are transitioning to natural hair and are wearing protective styles PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take care of YOUR hair while wearing those styles. You don't wanna end up with a mess like me -------------------->

damaged hair! If i knew what I know now my hair wouldn't have been as damaged as it was in this pic because my thing was once I have my braids in or my sew in done my hair is protected!!! WELL IT IS BUT I didn't take care of what was mine. I should have washed my hair on a regular basis, taking care of my scalp, deep conditioned on a regular basis, and kept my ends trimmed every 4-8 weeks! Now I did "trim" my hair from time to time but not often enough so therefore I did not receive the full benefits of wearing protective styles. I actually did more harm to my hair than good. But if I decided to wear protective styles again I know that I should wash or co-wash my hair on a regular basis, deep condition, and protect my scalp with natural oils like JBCO, EVOO, or JOJOBA oil.  I was asked yesterday why would I post a pic of what my hair USED to look like and my response was I'M NOT afraid to show people what my hair looked like because that was me then and this is me now. That is where I was this is where I am now!!!!

I did wear a protective style (Bob Marley Bun) for 3 days 2 weeks ago and before I pinned my hair up I made sure my ends were given a lot of love and attention. For example, I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and before I applied the Bob Marley hair I put JBCO and Jojoba oil on the ends of my hair to make sure they were "feed" before applying the hair because I knew that I wouldn't be taking the hair down for a few days and if my other hair needed oil I could always rub some on it. I also knew that the bun was synthetic hair and it would more then likely pull the oils from my hair so I had to protect my ends. When I took the bun down after 3 days my hair still had oil on my ends. YAY!!!!!  Now I have a head full of hair that I absolutely love and I can't wait for it to grow out!

Now the big ? is should you big chop or transition? I say it's up to the individual because you have to have a lot of confidence to do the big chop! I mean a lot I didn't have that much confidence in my self until my 28th birthday!!! Now I'm not saying I didn't believe in myself or anything but at the time I cared TOOO much about what people would say. Now I don't care because this is the hair that GOD gave me and this is who I am. If you don't like it don't look. But my hair isn't going anywhere and neither am I! Often times people care about how society will perceive them if WE are not wearing long hair or straight hair because we have become accustomed to that. Don't get me wrong I LOVE WEAVE but I love my hair more. I'm not saying I will never wear weave again and I'm not bashing anyone who chooses to do so I'm only saying that at this time in my life I'm happy (VERY HAPPY) with what is actually mine. AND I did the big chop because I stopped caring what people thought. For example, my uncle is married to a woman of another race and he asked me after I debuted my natural hair why in the world would I want to wear nappy hair. Now my response to him was guess what if you don't like it don't look and I love my hair and I know that it's not nappy even though it may look like it I can still comb through it or rub my fingers through it without getting tangled. SO stop caring what people think and do whatever makes you comfortable if it's the big chop or just wearing protective styles while transitioning. DO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TAKE CARE WHAT IS ACTUALLY YOURS!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Permed Days!!!

Loved my hair

Hair is chin length!

Hair is cheek bone length.

As you can see in the pic's above my permed hair was short never hitting my shoulders but it was always done! Now I really wish I would have done the natural thing a long time ago. But SOME people like myself can't just jump into something so drastic. It take a lot of courage to just do it! At first when I cut my permed hair off I was like omg what are people going to say so I rocked a high fake puff!!!
ONLY FOR A WEEK THOUGH!!  I stopped caring what people thought of natural hair!!! I didn't care if people thought I didn't have any hair or that some called it nappy!!! WELL IM SUPER HAPPY TO BE NAPPY!!! But on the flip side I got a lot of positive feedback as well. Rocking my natural hair I get to be different and I stand out from the rest! Now don't get me wrong there is NOTHING wrong with having permed hair, but that's just not for me ANYMORE!

My workout buddies
Samantha B and Queen S! #natural 2012

Now when I stretch my hair out  its the length of when I was permed! This is a pic from when I first
decided to go natural. MY hair is a little longer now and I'm happy!!

Friday, November 2, 2012



LAST NIGHT I DID A DUSTING OF MY HAIR BECAUSE MY ENDS LOOK A LITTLE BRITTLE.... I'VE BEEN NATURAL SINCE SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 AND I LOVE IT. I wish I would have done this a lot sooner but I didn't so that's OK. Going natural you have to have a lot of pride and confidence. Now I decided around September of 2011 that I was going to stop getting relaxers and only wanted to try it out. So in December 2011 I got my hair braided and kept those braids in for 3 months. At the time I didn't know that I really had to care for my hair while it was in braids! But I did get a lot of growth from wearing those braids so once I took them down I got my hair braided for a second time and kept those for 3 months. I'll share pics later. But once again I really didn't care for my hair I did wash it often and the braids did help my hair to grow out some. After the braids I started rocking sew ins that I would keep for a month or so before I would get it done again. So my last sew in was in August of 2012 and I wore it until September 15, 2012 when I decided to cut off the rest of my permed hair. Now it's November 2, 2012 and I'm so in love with my hair. I have also became a product junkie. It's so easy to become one because on YouTube you see all these people with BEAUTIFUL hair and you're like omg I have to get those products!!!! DON'T buy everything because just because it works for them doesn't mean it'll work for you. Example--> Shea Moisture Smoothie does wonders on some people's hair but mine no sir!!! My hair hates it, this product just sits on my hair and makes little white balls of product I have tried it several times on clean hair and it never absorbs in my hair. Maybe I'm using tooo much... (could be) but I gave it to my sister and she uses it as a styler. The first 2 pics are from my cut hair permed days!!! I love my cut but boy I tell you it was a little work because I had to get my hair done weekly. Pic # 3 is after my last sew in you can see the permed hair at the top and all the natural stuff on the bottom..... Yes I cut my hair each time I took out braids or sew in but WOW!!! The next pic is me with a sew in!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED MY WEAVE but as you all know all good things must come to an end. So the this is me after my very first twist out
loved it and I rock the fro hawk from time to time! It's so easy to do.