Wednesday, November 21, 2012


So recently I've decided to do something that I wouldn't normally do and that is wear BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK!!!! I love love love it!!!

Some people don't like it but does it matter what others think NO!!! Some women of color are afraid to step outside of their comfort zone because they may not be accepted. Some people claim that there isn't a red shade for them!!! That's so not true. So below you will find some tips on choosing the right lipstick color!!!

How to choose the best lipstick colors for people of color. 
For women of any ethnicity, the biggest consideration is your complexion. But because women of color have skin tones that run the full gamut of the color spectrum keep in mind weather you are light, medium or dark..  In addition, the undertones of your skin also have an effect on whether a lipstick really makes your lips pop.

If you are light then these colors will look great on you:
Pale to deep pink

Medium skin tones
Medium to deep pink
Medium to deep browns.

Dark Skin Tones
Deep red
Chocolate brown

Don't think that just because your skin is in the darker range that you can't wear colors that look fabulous on lighter skin. EXPERIMENT!!! You may find lipstick colors that you never thought you would wear. Like I said I never thought me and red lipstick would get along but boy was I WRONG!!! AND I'M WEARING BRIGHT RED AT THAT.


There are also some benefits of wearing red lipstick it can instantly make your smile appear whiter, people stare at your lips and actually listen to what you're saying (lol) and  it adds sex appeal.

Now, my next goal is to try some fuchsia's and purple!!!

I will say my dad and my husband hate the fact that I'm wearing RED lipstick but I think it's just because I never wore it before now and they will get use to it. But why do some people feel as if dark skinned women can't wear RED LIPSTICK it's for everyone and I've taken a stand to say if they can do it so can I!! I love it so stay tuned for more pictures of the FAMOUS RED LIPSTICK!! SO IF YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK IT MAKE SURE YOU DO IT WELL AND WITH A LOT OF CONFIDENCE!!!

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