Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Big chop or Transitioning

While at the gym yesterday I talked to a girls mother who says her daughter is in the process of going natural. The girl hasn't had a relaxer in a long time. SO I asked how much more permed ends does she have? Not much was the response that I received. SO I asked why doesn't she just cut off the permed ends and wear her natural hair out?? NOW I KNOW it takes a lot of confidence to do so but once you do it you'll be glad that you did!! NOW I will say that if you are transitioning to natural hair and are wearing protective styles PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take care of YOUR hair while wearing those styles. You don't wanna end up with a mess like me -------------------->

damaged hair! If i knew what I know now my hair wouldn't have been as damaged as it was in this pic because my thing was once I have my braids in or my sew in done my hair is protected!!! WELL IT IS BUT I didn't take care of what was mine. I should have washed my hair on a regular basis, taking care of my scalp, deep conditioned on a regular basis, and kept my ends trimmed every 4-8 weeks! Now I did "trim" my hair from time to time but not often enough so therefore I did not receive the full benefits of wearing protective styles. I actually did more harm to my hair than good. But if I decided to wear protective styles again I know that I should wash or co-wash my hair on a regular basis, deep condition, and protect my scalp with natural oils like JBCO, EVOO, or JOJOBA oil.  I was asked yesterday why would I post a pic of what my hair USED to look like and my response was I'M NOT afraid to show people what my hair looked like because that was me then and this is me now. That is where I was this is where I am now!!!!

I did wear a protective style (Bob Marley Bun) for 3 days 2 weeks ago and before I pinned my hair up I made sure my ends were given a lot of love and attention. For example, I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and before I applied the Bob Marley hair I put JBCO and Jojoba oil on the ends of my hair to make sure they were "feed" before applying the hair because I knew that I wouldn't be taking the hair down for a few days and if my other hair needed oil I could always rub some on it. I also knew that the bun was synthetic hair and it would more then likely pull the oils from my hair so I had to protect my ends. When I took the bun down after 3 days my hair still had oil on my ends. YAY!!!!!  Now I have a head full of hair that I absolutely love and I can't wait for it to grow out!

Now the big ? is should you big chop or transition? I say it's up to the individual because you have to have a lot of confidence to do the big chop! I mean a lot I didn't have that much confidence in my self until my 28th birthday!!! Now I'm not saying I didn't believe in myself or anything but at the time I cared TOOO much about what people would say. Now I don't care because this is the hair that GOD gave me and this is who I am. If you don't like it don't look. But my hair isn't going anywhere and neither am I! Often times people care about how society will perceive them if WE are not wearing long hair or straight hair because we have become accustomed to that. Don't get me wrong I LOVE WEAVE but I love my hair more. I'm not saying I will never wear weave again and I'm not bashing anyone who chooses to do so I'm only saying that at this time in my life I'm happy (VERY HAPPY) with what is actually mine. AND I did the big chop because I stopped caring what people thought. For example, my uncle is married to a woman of another race and he asked me after I debuted my natural hair why in the world would I want to wear nappy hair. Now my response to him was guess what if you don't like it don't look and I love my hair and I know that it's not nappy even though it may look like it I can still comb through it or rub my fingers through it without getting tangled. SO stop caring what people think and do whatever makes you comfortable if it's the big chop or just wearing protective styles while transitioning. DO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TAKE CARE WHAT IS ACTUALLY YOURS!!!!

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