Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I was asked by several people what my skin regimen is and how do I prevent blackheads. So I've been doing some research to help people with their skin.

First, blackheads are also known as comedones, and are a form of acne. They occur in the pores of the skin and can be very unsightly and sometimes painful. Blackheads occur frequently during puberty, BUT can develop at any time. If they are left untreated they can become infected and inflamed. Plus the skin has a variety of glands within it. The skin on the face and scalp contain the most sebaceous glands. (Sebaceous glands are located within hair follicles and are widely distributed throughout the skin, except on the palms and the foot soles). The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. When excessive amounts of "oil" (sebum) are created by a sebaceous gland, the substance can back up in the gland, forming what is commonly called a whitehead. This is due to the white color of the sebum under the skin. Overtime, the sebum will harden and form a plug. This plug can erupt through the pore and block the opening of the hair follicle. When exposed to air, the sebum plug will oxidize and turn dark. This is what the blackheads come from.

Blackheads can occur from make-up, changing of hormones, moisturizers, and lotions which can lead to clog pores.

You can prevent blackheads by washing your skin regularly, especially the face and neck. Using exfoliating creams or lotions can also help remove dead skin cells that clog the pores.

NEVER NEVER NEVER squeeze a blackhead to remove it. This can cause scarring and the spreading of the bacteria which will lead to more blackheads.

NOW!!! I wash my face with raw African black soap which I purchased from amazon.com for about $6.80 after my face dries I take a cotton ball and put a small amount of lemon juice on it and rub it all over my face. You can purchase the lemon juice from anywhere!!!!  After my face dries from the lemon juice I apply my moisturizer. Now I use to different moisturizers because one has a spf 15 which I use in the mornings and the one at night does not. (But I will say my skin is extra sensitive and sometimes the lemon juice burn just a little but not to where it's irritating my skin)

Raw African Black Soap has a lot of benefits for the skin..
·  1. Helps to remove scars caused by acne. Since acne is not caused by dirt, but due to the release of excessive oils within the skin, the soap cannot remove acne. But use of African black soap helps to remove scars cause due to acne.
·  2. Helps to remove skin irritations. Use of black soap helps to remove skin irritations like rashes.
·  3. Suitable for all skin types. Black soap can be used for the treatment of problems on all types of skin including the dry and rough, oily and moderate skins.
·  4. Beneficial for skin diseases. Black soap is very beneficial for reducing the discomforts that are associated with skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema
·  5.Delays ageing on the skin. Regular use of black soap helps to remove facial lines that are mostly early signs of ageing. Thus black soap can be used to delay ageing of skin.
The lemon juice helps getting the oil from the pores.

The moisturizers gives my skin the moisture that it needs.  

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