1. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Did you know that your body is composed of about 60% of water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, moves nutr1ients, and helps maintain the bodies temperature.
2. Water can help control calories. Some people drink lots of water as a weight loss strategy. While water doesn't have the magic effect to cause you to lose weight it will help if you were to get water instead of soda or juice. Also you can eat healthier like fruits, vegetables, broth based soups, oatmeal (which I don't like) and beans. Because they are water based they tend to look larger and requires more food and they are absorbed more slowly by the body which helps you feel full.
3. Water helps energize the muscles. When your muscles don't have an adequate amount of fluid they will not work well and performance can suffer.
4. Water helps keep the skin looking good. Your skin does contain plenty of water and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But if your are dehydrated your skin tends to look more dry and wrinkled. But once you hydrate your body the kidneys take over and excretes excess fluids.
5. Water Helps your Kidneys. Body fluids move wastes products in and out of cells. Your kidneys do a great job in getting rid of toxins as long as you have an adequate amount of fluid intake. excreted in the urine. But if you don't drink enough water you will be at a higher rick of getting kidney stones.
6. Water helps maintain normal bowl function. Adequate hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation.
Below are some tips to help you drink more.If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water:
Have a beverage with every snack and meal.
Choose beverages you enjoy; you're likely to drink more liquids if you like the way they taste.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration. About 20% of our fluid intake comes from foods.
Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.
Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you're watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages or water.
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