Tuesday, January 1, 2013


 January 7, 2013 starts the fitness challenge. You must go to my Facebook page and comment on the status to enter by saying im in or something like that or send me an email at meredith.mckey@gmail.com

First you must do a starting check-in with your weight! Also send an email to meredith.mckey@gmail.com with your starting weight AND A PIC OF THE SCALE. This is totally confidential but also important to make sure you're telling the truth. Plus I know everyone will not want everyone to know their weight. You should keep up with this as well (keep a journal of your progress) THIS IS A MUST!!!

Second you must do monthly check-ins by commenting on a CHECK IN blog ON how you are doing and your struggles and things that are helping you become fit.  (This is a must and I'll send a Facebook, twitter, and instagram post when the check-ins are coming.) IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE YOU MUST DO THE CHECK-IN EVERY MONTH! ONCE the fitness challenge gets closer to the end you will have to do WEEKLY check-ins.

Last but not least you'll have a better you and whoever has the biggest percentage of weight loss will win the CASH grand prize. There will also be a second and third place winner as well.

To calculate your percentage of weight loss you divide your number of pounds lost by your starting weight. Then multiply the answer by 100 then you'll get your percentage.

Example if you start at 125 and end at 115, 10 pounds lost, your percetage of weight is 8% below is how I calculated the formula.

.08x100= 8%

Even if you don't win we are all winners.

This is a 6 month challenge!!!

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